Instructional Program & Culture

Unlike the traditional self-contained classroom, Monroe’s “Team Teaching Model” rotates its third through fifth-grade students to different classrooms throughout the day.  ALL students benefit from teachers who focus on teaching to their individual strengths and passions. For example, a fourth-grader may begin the day with rotation 1) writing/ social studies, then move next door for rotation 2) math/technology, and end the day down the hall in rotation 3) reading/science.

Students enjoy the variety and movement of rotating to different teachers, and all students benefit from teachers who focus their expertise in narrow content areas while meeting the rigor of Common Core state standards. Students also benefit from being known and nurtured by a team of teachers, creating a cohesive staff that shares in the belief that “they are ALL our kids...we are in this together.”

When Monroe began this model five years ago, no one predicted the numerous additional benefits of “Team Teaching.” This model also ensures that instructional time is used efficiently, it protects instructional minutes for subjects that typically receive less emphasis, such as writing, social studies, and science, and it allows teachers three times more wall space to support students with visual learning tools and charts specific to their content.

Most important, this model facilitates “vertical articulation” among the grade levels, wherein Monroe teachers collaborate across grade levels to ensure that teachers share and implement common best practices.  

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